Sunday, May 08, 2005


I was just thinking on the quality of emotions, and was reminded by something written in the Artistotle's Ethics, that everyone is looking for pleasure or fun. How many different feelings of pleasure can we experience ? What are the mechanisms behind it ? And how are they decoded into our DNA sequence ? An interesting quote of the composer Mendelssohn in this context:

"Music can not be caught with words - not because, music is more vague and undetermined, but because it's more precise than words are."

1 comment:

TK said...

I think pleasure can be defined in an infinite number of ways, depending on the speaker. Fun seems to have a much more restricted meaning.

Also, the link you posted for me ( Know...kAbelson_d.html) didn't come through in its entierity - would you mind e-mailing it to me? Thanks!