Sunday, February 25, 2007

26 letters

This morning, I saw some interesting paintings of Jan Brueghel the older in the "Alte Pinakothek". I was drawn to a painting displaying a sermon including a large crowd of interested people. In the front, near the preacher, there were obviously some women, in the back there were some people with guns, maybe some soldiers or some hunters returning home. It was striking to me how peaceful the crowd of mixed people was standing there, listening to the words of the philosopher. That we see lectures like this also in our modern world might be related to our needs for hope, the hope for a better life, the hope to find better meaning of our existence, the hope to prevent disappointment, or the hope to solve conflicts between people. It is interesting to see how languages and words can unify or split groups of people so heavily. Words can be instruments for power or seduction, but equally, they can transport the most interesting secrets of the world we live in. All with 26 letters.

(another interesting picture concerning a Brueghel painting.... found somewhere on the internet by googling. besides the 26 letters of the alphabet for normal writing, it is interesting to think about the 4 letters of the DNA for writing the sources of life.)